Country : Italy City : Napoli The University of Naples Federico II is the main university of Naples and one of the most important in Italy (in the second half of the twentieth century the University of Naples is the second in the country in terms of size after the University of Rome ) and Europe. Established by Frederick II (Emperor of the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Sicily) through a generales licterae, it is the oldest state secular university in Europe. It currently has 3 Schools (Science and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology for Life) 26 Graduate Schools, 26 Departments and 2597 Teachers (Professors, Associate Professors and Researchers). The LUPT “Raffaele d’Ambrosio” Interdepartmental Research centre merges professors from 11 Departments of Federico II University, gathering more than 100 professors and researchers in humanities and STEM disciplines. It also includes 13 technician and administrative staff and some research fellows and consultants. LUPT academics lead PhD and other funded research projects on the above, organise international seminars and achieve international publications on their research results. UNINA-LUPT is also committed in training activities, since it delivers continuous professional development courses and vocational courses, also under international agreements. LUPT- UNINA project effectiveness is assured by a well-established institutional network, being UNINA-LUPT scientific consultant of many public administrations and private companies since 1985. UNINALUPT hosts the Europe Direct Information Centre for Naples, Avellino, Benevento and Salerno areas. Europe Direct Information Centres are territorial antennas of European Commission and depend on European Commission representations. They perform action of communication, information, public relations, territorial networking and territorial animation about EU topics, with the aim to increase awareness and sensitiveness in the field of European citizenship and EU policies. UNINA-LUPT has an average year balance of 3 Million € , whose resources come mainly from grants and research contracts assigned by public bodies and private companies. Main funding sources of UNINA-LUPT are: EU grants; research consultancies for industry and public bodies; main national and regional research programs grants; contributions from national and international public bodies. Strong expertise in management of research funding has been developed thanks to more than twenty years in successful submission or European projects application, in a wide range of programmes. UNINA-LUPT carries out a number of key strands of activity: publications and resources, training, events and CPD (Continuing Professional Development), accreditation and consultancy, research and dissemination, international collaboration and activities which collectively encompass our work in relation to the development of innovative curriculum and delivery models, resource creation, partnership working and networking, teacher training and support and research. UNINA-LUPT has a wide experience both in working with SMEs and in creating good practice case studies as part of European projects; furthermore it has developed great project management expertise thanks to the successful leadership and partnering of complex project and represents an excellence Centre for creating high quality skills. The LUPT will work in the project with the Learning and Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems (LANAS) laboratory of the University of Naples NAC led by Prof. Orazio Miglino, has long and extensive experience in the development of technologies for learning. Within this sector, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, the laboratory conducts research in different areas of the psychological and cognitive sciences. The lab has a multidisciplinary nature, where collaborate psychologist, philosophers, engineers and computer scientists.
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