
an erasmus+ project


an erasmus+ project

About the Project

The 21st century, characterized by a fast-moving global economy, economic crisis, and many challenges of post-industrial society is considered a risk factor for the new generations to construct their future career paths, to school-to-work transition and social exclusion and marginalization. It is important to support adolescents by promoting a positive vision of the future and to be proactive, stimulating the propensity to manage changes adaptively, with versatility, flexibility and enhancing hope and optimism for a meaningful future.

through new teaching approaches for teachers, the project will promote a pedagogy that considers vocational and positive youth development.

teachers are called upon to provide students with the support for developing skills and competences related to the transitions between different stages of education (high school-to-university) and / or school-to-work, promoting flexibility and adaptability, and a vision of the future that goes towards hope and optimism.

Middle school. Early adolescence (11-12 y.o.) is the active precursory engagement to develop initial career adaptabilities, concern about the future and confidence in future career choices.

About the project

Our aims

NEFELE project fosters synergies between research and innovation in the field of education, supporting effective and innovative pedagogies and promoting new technologies as drivers of improvements in HE. The project aims to impact HE practices by improving innovative teacher methodologies for middle school teachers in supporting adolescents career construction’ based on Massive Open Online Courses, Tangible User Interfaces, and Open Educational Resources.

Target groups

The main aim in the Consortium definition was that each partner has been selected on the basis of their main expertise and competences with respect the call objectives. The Consortium connects a synergistic and competent network which enables the project to encompass and integrate under the same umbrella the multi-faceted nature of the problem it aims to tackle, bridging the adult education sector with the companies and universities, fostering the knowledge triangle between education, innovation and research.

The NEFELE project aims to certificate the short-training program with micro-credential in Teacher Education.
Having more countries involved will be useful also in the NEFELE BOX creation and co-design with users. More scenarios for the game will be promoted by the users of different countries, that will include different socio-economic contexts.
In order to favour effective upscaling and promoting the APP game will be available in English, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Dutch.

Our Priorities

Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity

Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices

New learning and teaching methods and approaches

Open and distance learning

Initial and continuous training for teachers, trainers and other education staff

Our Results


EU Framework of career development in Teacher Education

 The chapters provide a theoretical framework of the project giving methodological landmarks that can be useful to teachers for enhancing adolescents’ career development.



The aim is to implement a MOOC in HEI courses to learn the NEFELE methodological framework and to propose innovative teaching tools to support adolescents’ career construction in school practice.



PR3 will consist of a NEFELE BOX design and implementation. The aim is to develop an authoring tool that allows creating a set of games for middle school pupils based on TUIs.


NEFELE OERs shared platform

PR4 will consist of a NEFELE PLATFORM design and implementation. The aim is to develop a shared platform based on a Gamification Approach to make the tools of NEFELE, [...] shareable and usable.

Our Partners:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Privacy policy EADTU

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